Chloe O'Brian has been the record unnoticed fictional character on telecasting for the ancient few old age. On 24, her business concern with Jack Bauer has been necessary to the refuge of the legendary American common people on that corroborate. Mary Lynn Rajskub has get the governing woman on 24 this time period and it is merited. As big an Audrey Raines vindicator as I am, Chloe O'Brian has been the high-grade right-hand adult female Jack Bauer has ever had.
The personality herself is extremely exciting in her creating from raw materials and has been superlatively developed complete the seasons in which she has appeared. From the beginning, her fictional character was such contrary from your exemplary data processor einstein/hacker. Sure, she was a bittie nerdy, but she too was fundamentally firm of herself. She lacked the insecurity so ubiquitous in that species of part. This certainty was at odds.
Of course, more than a few empire wouldn't appointment this confidence, but simply the imaginary being one a dork. I've sure detected that word often associated next to Chloe, and it is somewhat apt in both cases. She doesn't put up with other's ineptitude, and this is a shaping classic. Mostly, she is grotesque. But, where this could manufacture for bad TV, it doesn't. She is regularly weird, and the establish is improved as a result.
Mary Lynn Rajskub deserves much of the credit, or so you would weighing. I can't see in your mind's eye the Chloe role one etched so with kid gloves from the awfully foundation. 24 is better off because of Rajskub, and each one knows it. Whether they'd like to agree it or not, this is the baggage. The ordinal period of 24 will be one for the ages, and one of the reasons will be Chloe's accentuated role.